The effect of color symbolisms

What are Vietnamese’s most and least favorite colors? How they affect different values and choices?

The least favorite color is yellow color, particularly from HCMC.
Color association
According to the respondents, Red is associated with Happiness, Sexy, Modern, Luxury, Party, High-tech products, High performance, High Quality and Good luck. In addition, people think that Red is the fashion color and represents for confident people.
Pink is associated with Happiness, Sexy. Consumers also perceive foods and drinks with Red and Pink color are good smell and good taste.
Beside Red color, Black is also associated to Hi-tech products, High performance, and High quality. Black is represent for Determined people. On the other hands, Black represents for the bad luck and taboo.
Light blue and Medium light blue (sky) are represents for Eco-friendly, Hope. Moreover, Light blue bring a sense of Safety.
White is the color of Pure, Dignity
The soft colors as white and pink make consumers relate to baby and kid while Red is the color of teenager.

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