Consumer’s online Usage & Interaction

Sample size: N=300 (Ho Chi Minh City = Ha Noi = Da Nang = 100)
Target respondents:
Gender: Female/Male
Age: 18 – 40
Smartphone user
Some findings in VIETTRACK report:

The explosion of smartphone usage opens big gate for Marketers to enter the era of digital marketing, in which they can easily reach broader groups of young-dynamic consumers for brand communication, brand promotion, online services and consumers interaction.
Social network, particularly Facebook, is becoming new favorite playground for smartphone users, so as the most effective means for Marketers to interact with their target consumers in such proactive and creative way, and especially unlimited timing because consumers are on Facebook almost all the time – morning at wake up 7-9am, morning working time 9-11am, lunch break time 11am – 1pm, and the whole evening 7-11pm.
Ads on Facebook so then becomes much more attractive than other online web ads. However it seems to be effective in Hanoi and Danang mostly, but HCMC consumers currently prefer in-video ad on Youtube.
Online shopping is developing to catch up the online trend but still small in Vietnam, for the reason that consumers are quite not ready to change their ordinary shopping habit of considering the real product (see it, touch it) before buying. Currently online shopping web is just using for comparing price reading product info and reviews, part of consumers in Hanoi like to seek for good deals and vouchers to buy product cheaper.

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